The massless quanta and field disturbances that describe all interactions propagate at the speed of light.
If we could travel at the speed of light, we'd experience zero proper time. This means we'd experience the whole trip in an instant. We'd experience no space or time dimensions.
This means that any phenomenon we observe as propagating at the speed of light has, in fact, no time to change or evolve. What we usually picture as an emission-flight-absorption process happens in a blink of existence for the detected massless carrier.
Then, photons and gluons are akin to "wormholes" that connect emission and detection in no time (for themselves). Each one represents a "short-circuit" in spacetime.
A massless carrier represents a kind of entanglement between the past emitting matter particle and the current detecting matter particle, through all possible paths that could connect their spacetime coordinates at the speed of light. Photons and gluons are entangled connections between two matter particles at two different times in history (one in the past and the other in the present) because they experience leaving and arriving at the same time.
So our "spooky action at a distance" is "action at spooky distance" (or "action at spooky time") for the massless quanta involved.
This "light-speed entanglement" underlies all phenomena that take place in the universe. It is the scaffolding that supports reality.
The zero proper time experienced by the massless quanta and field disturbances that comprise all interactions that exist in the universe explains entanglement, and from there, all quantum riddles can get solved.