Nice article.
If you could travel at the speed of light, you would experience zero proper time. This means that you would experience leaving and arriving at the same time. Any trip at c would be experienced all at once, instantly.
This is exactly what every massless carrier experiences, while we picture it wandering the universe at c. Photons and gluons have instantaneous lifes. Any emission-flight-absorption process we picture as taking place at c is, at the same time, an instant link between emission and detection.
So massless carriers are, in fact, very similar to wormholes. They connect two different spacetime coordinates in no time (for themselves).
This is why c is constant and has the same value for any material observer: Speed of light is just the incredibly distorted way in which material observers are able to understand instantaneity from their subjective frames of reference.
This duality (that speed of light for matter means instantaneity for massless quanta) explains entanglement, and from there, all quantum conundrums can get solved.
Take a look to my article, where I hope to explain all this more thoroughly: