Dark Matter can be understood by considering how energy and information exchanges vary between regions of different energy densities in the universe. According to relativity, an observer's experience of space and time is shaped by the energy density in its region, leading to its subjective reference frame. However, any exchanges that an observer detects must adhere to both the subjective ratios of its reference frame, and the invariant constraints the universal constants impose to all reference frames. Interactions with regions that don’t meet these conditions cannot physically develop for the observer.
So in denser regions (such as galactic cores and galactic arms), interactions from less dense areas (like the galactic rims), often fail to align with the Planck quantization enforced in the denser observer's frame. This mismatch prevents these interactions from developing for the observer, while they can easily develop between regions of similar low energy density. As a result, denser regions perceive a lack of energy or mass in lighter regions, which leads to the postulation of Dark Matter to account for the missing energy.
This concept also helps explain the gravitational lensing observed, and the unexpected cohesion and rotational speeds of galaxies, since time runs "faster" in the lighter regions, and there are also energy exchanges between them that the denser observer cannot detect because they cannot manifest without breaking the fundamental physical laws that keep a consistent picture of reality in its reference frame. Thus, Dark Matter may not be a separate substance but rather the consequence of observational biases tied to the observer's reference frame and Planck units.
The interactions that shape the reference frame of the observer must also obey the invariant constraints represented by the universal constants, shaping every process, entity, property or phenomenon existing in the universe with no chance for paradoxes or singularities, and this simple postulate helps explain Dark Matter and understand the origin of all other cosmological mysteries.